The global green finance ecosystem is evolving rapidly and steadily due to the importance of the financial sector in the fight against climate change. The Latin American Climate Assets Disclosure Initiative (LACADI) formed a committee with leading institutions in the Mexican financial system to coordinate and enhance the initiative’s work in Mexico.
The first working session was held on 30 June in Mexico City, where the first major milestone of the project was presented, a document that analyses and describes the main barriers for institutional investors to adopt climate disclosure practices and include climate risks and opportunities in their investment decisions.
Participants agreed to work closely with regulators and supervisors to establish the necessary market conditions, and to promote climate disclosure by institutional investors. Similarly, they will continue to meet the high demand for training on climate issues and the transition to decarbonisation, coordinating closely with the Green Finance Advisory Council (CCFV), the TCFD Consortium of Mexico, the Committee on Sustainable Finance and other international initiatives.