The Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance (CCFLA) and the FELICITY Global Program participated in the “Forum for the Community of Practice for Subnational Project Preparation in Mexico”, held virtually from May 4-6 of 2021.

The first day of the forum saw the presentation of some of the project preparation initiatives of CCFLA members, with Itzel Alcérreca presenting the challenges and achievements of the  FELICITY Program in Mexico. Alexandra Linden, head of Global FELICITY, highlighted the importance of national financing for urban development in Mexico.

Alexandra Linden responsable del Programa FELICITY, FELICITY México 2021.
Alexandra Linden, Head of FELICITY Program, FELICITY Mexico 2021.

On the second day, a space was opened for dialogue and discussion on sectoral issues, where local and regional governments shared their best experiences and generated collaboration with other actors for the benefit of their projects.

Miguel Fernández, junior advisor to FELICITY in Mexico, moderated the working group on Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) alongside Luis Felipe Colturato, FELICITY’s expert consultant on MSW issues.

On the third and last day of the forum, local governments had the opportunity to present their projects to a jury that provided feedback to the project promoters, giving them tools to better build their projects and present themselves to potential investors.

Naschielli Ayala, Deputy Director of Climate Change at the Ministry of the Environment of Mexico City (SEDEMA), presented the Mexico City project “Transition to Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings”. Meanwhile, Roger Peniche, advisor to the Naucalpan de Juárez City Council, presented the project for the “PTARs System in Río Hondo, Naucalpan”.

Finally, Mario Duarte, Coordinator of International Affairs of SEDEMA, closed the forum with a few closing words, highlighting the importance of this type of meetings and collaborations to fight against climate change.

Sesión Inaugural Foro CCFLA, FELICITY México 2021.
Inaugural Session CCFLA Forum, FELICITY México 2021.

The forum was attended by 275 people from different institutions and civil society organizations, such as CCFLAICLEIFELICITYCFFWRIFMDVGAP FundGIF, CIF, IDB, SEDATUSHCPSEDATUSEMARNATBANORTEONU-HABITAT and SEDEMA.

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