After almost three years of developing the Subnational Climate Action Transparency Agenda Information System (SIAT-Subnational), a large number of lessons were learned that are made available through this guide.

Climate change is an issue that requires solutions at the international level, but at the same time, the implementation of actions takes place at the local level. In this sense, collaboration between different levels of government strengthens transparency and climate ambition.

For this reason, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), together with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH through the Mexican-German Climate Change Alliance and various subnational governments, designed and implemented an innovative and transparent system for tracking the contributions of the federal entities to the country’s climate commitments: the SIAT-Subnational.

The development of the system offered several lessons learned about the experience, objectives, methodology and critical factors involved in the creation and application of a SIAT-Subnational. These lessons will help other countries in Latin America and the world replicate and adapt similar systems.

We invite you to consult the Quick Implementation Guide of the SIAT-Subnational by clicking on the following image:

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    Guía rápida para el diseño e implementación de un Sistema de Información de la Agenda de Transparencia de Acciones Climáticas a Nivel Subnacional (SIAT-Subnacional)


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