We know that the multiple challenges of cities can no longer be seen in isolation or addressed from a sectoral perspective and that, to solve inequalities and the multiple dimensions of social backwardness, it is necessary to include topics such as:
- The right to the city
- The right to a healthy environment
- Gender mainstreaming
- The implementation of actions that can promote greater resilience to the climate and health emergency
Strong coordination is required between different sectors and levels of government to carry out actions around strategic issues for sustainable development in cities.
It is in this context, and, knowing that Mexico has national goals for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and vulnerability, that the union of efforts between institutions to achieve common goals makes so much sense.
Therefore, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), the Ministry of Agricultural, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU) and the Mexican Association of Municipal Planning Institutes (AMIMP) with the support of projects on Climate Protection in Mexican Urban Policy (CiClim), the Mexican-German Climate Change Alliance and the Climate Policy Meets Urban Development Project, which is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) at Germany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), have identified the challenges and solutions that some Mexican cities are giving to climate change issues.
From June 2020 to February 2020, these institutions are opening exchange spaces for webinars and online Support Groups for Climate Action (GAAD) between various sectors of the different orders of governments in Mexico, Latin America, and Germany.
You can find the calendar of activities at https://bit.ly/3hO6yPA (in Spanish)
You will find the results of each of the 12 schedules interventions, conforming a reservoir of learning and information on the different topics covered: green infrastructure, sustainable mobility, densification, and green belts, among others.
Webinar 1: June 17, 2020 – Integrative System of Social and Environmental Aspects in Urban Planning + Good Mobility Practices.
Grupo de Apoyo para la Acción Climática (GADD 1): June 10, 2020 – Green Infrastructure.
Webinar 2: July 16, 2020 – Inclusive Streets in Mexico and 4S Mobility
Webinar 3: August 18, 2020 – Green Infrastructure: The same in the North as in the South?
Grupo de Apoyo para la Acción Climática (GADD 2): August 20, 2020 Movilidad – Urban Sustainability “Plan de Movilidad 4S”