Morelos is updating its legal framework on climate change to increase its support to Mexico’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)

The Mexican-German Climate Change Alliance supports the government of Morelos in developing and updating its state law on climate change. The purpose of the law is to align itself with the latest update of the Mexican General Law on Climate Change.

In collaboration with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the government of Morelos has identified technical topics, regulatory elements and faculties, and established a reference framework related to local characteristics and priorities. The draft law incorporates a gender perspective and respect for human rights and includes important elements such as new technical concepts and economic, evaluation and planning instruments. In addition, the law promises contributions towards meeting national commitments of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing the resilience of social and natural ecosystems.

At the end of the previous administration, the participated in various meetings with the legal area of the governor´s office to discuss the importance of supporting and approving the law in the local congress. The Mexican-German Climate Change Alliance implemented by GIZ is working with the new government, which took over in October 2018, to increase awareness on this climate change law initiative and the importance of approving the draft law.

El Tepozteco, archeological site in Morelos, Mexico.
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