The municipality of Puerto Vallarta recognizes the importance of acting against the effects of climate change and adds to the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. Being an economically important municipality and as a tourist destination at a national level, this step means a great advance for the municipality in terms of climate change.

On February 1st, the Start-up Workshop for the Development of the Municipal Climate Change Program (MCCP) of Puerto Vallarta was held to inform and add the participation of institutions from the public, private, academic and social sectors in the development of their MCCP. In the margin of this event, the signing of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy was carried out by the Municipal President of Puerto Vallarta, Arturo Dávalos Peña.


Photo: GIZ Signing of the Global Pact of Mayors for Climate and Energy


The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy is an international alliance of local and regional authorities that seeks to disseminate and sustain actions to address climate change. It has a focus on generating solutions and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), and supports the process of Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of emissions of municipalities. Likewise, it takes local governments as key actors and networks of cities and municipalities as indispensable partners in the fulfillment of national and international climate goals. It currently has a presence in 130 countries and covers more than 10% of the world’s population. In Mexico, 39 municipalities are part of the pact.

Through the agreement, municipalities are encouraged to carry out climate actions and a community at the regional and national level is promoted to exchange experiences and strengthen dialogue. In addition, municipalities benefit from three different areas in which they receive support: support in their reporting processes and access to data, research and innovation to strengthen their climate plans, and financing for climate action in the municipalities. With the signing of this agreement in the start-up phase for the development of its MCCP, Puerto Vallarta unites efforts to contribute to national goals.