The Vertically Integrated Climate Policies (VICLIM) program is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German Cooperation for Sustainable Development). VICLIM is implemented in five countries: Georgia, Costa Rica, South Africa, Indonesia and Mexico.
The objective of the program is to strengthen the strategies and policies that promote the involvement and integration of sub-national actors (states and municipalities) in the achievement of national climate change mitigation objectives, in addition to ensuring that the lessons learned are used to feedback processes in the field at national and international level. VICLIM consists of four lines of work:
- Institutional strengthening for vertical climate integration
- Instruments and mechanisms for vertical climate integration
- Knowledge transfer from the National Climate Initiative (NKI) of Germany
- Knowledge exchange between partner countries
This program was implemented in Mexico between January 2017 and September 2019, with the main counterpart being the General Directorate of Climate Change Policies (DGPCC) of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT). Other key allies of VICLIM were the Ministry of Environment and Territorial Development of the State of Jalisco (SEMADET) and the Municipal Government of Puerto Vallarta, through the Subdirectorate of Environment.
Below are the project products developed in the country, as well as a brief description of their content and the link for download.
Institutional Strengthening for Vertical Climate Integration | |
With the aim of urging subnational governments to guide and increase their contributions to the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), VICLIM Mexico supported the strengthening of the technical capacities of actors who are responsible for climate policies at the national and subnational level, and generated recommendations on multi-level coordination and cooperation mechanisms.
The activities began with the organization of regional meetings with the states, where the exchange of good practices and lessons learned through spaces for face-to-face dialogue between the federal and subnational government was significant. The meetings led to the development of a baseline on sub-national progress in the development and implementation of climate policies, institutional arrangements, Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) and climate financing. This exercise can be replicated regarding the regular periodic update of the progress of the subnational climate policy. With this information, and based on the identified barriers and opportunities, , recommendations were developed for states to guide their actions and policies towards the alignment, quantification and long-term reporting of their contributions to the NDC. In addition, proposals were provided for the definition of governance processes and mechanisms that allow monitoring and transparency of this process. These efforts were accompanied by the generation and diffusion of communication material (infographics and videos) to sensitize subnational governments about their role in the development of adaptation and mitigation actions and, therefore, in the fulfillment of national commitments from the local level. In addition, a repository of practical information on climate change was generated for states and municipalities, in reference to their contributions to the NDC. |
Summaries of the Regional Workshops “Strengthening Subnational capacities and their contributions to the national determined contribution
The objective was to strengthen the capabities of the states in order to align, quantify and report their contributions in the field of mitigation and adaptation to climate change to the NDC. The regional workshops were carried out in collaboration with the Mexican-German Climate Change Alliance project. |
Informe y análisis detallado por región y Estado sobre las capacidades subnacionales en cambio climático y sus aportaciones a la NDC. Este producto se realizó en colaboración con el proyecto Alianza Mexicana-Alemana de Cambio Climático. |
Analysis of Mexico’s local government conditions regarding mitigation The study offers a review of the policy framework, governance and funding sources conditions of the municipalities for mitigation. In addition, the document identifies areas of opportunity and recommendations in the field. |
The purpose of the meeting was to give continuity and share the results of the exchange of experiences among states promoted by SEMARNAT, standardize methodologies for reporting contributions and share experiences. The meeting was held in collaboration with the Mexican-German Climate Change Alliance project. |
NDC Subnational Toolbox
Information repository of the states and municipalities of Mexico, in reference to their contributions to the NDC. The content of this toolbox was developed jointly with the Mexican-German Climate Change Alliance project. |
Factsheets: Identification of mitigation measures and adaptation measures in the face of climate change A contribution of States and Municipalities to the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) In order to strengthen Mexico’s NDC and increase its level of ambition, it is necessary to rely on contributions in terms of mitigation and adaptation from states and municipalities and to promote their participation. |
Capsule: Contribution of state and municipal governments to the compliance of the NDC. This capsule seeks to guide subnational actors in the identification and development of measures within their powers, as well as to invite them to share their experiences on the subject. |
Based on the study of co-benefits of the NDC for the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda, developed by the projects 2030 Agenda Initiative and the Mexican-German Climate Change Alliance of the GIZ, VICLIM produced a video about the co-benefits between both agendas and the role of subnational governments.
The VICLIM program supported subnational governments in identifying, developing and evaluating various public policy instruments and mechanisms to facilitate the vertical alignment of mitigation policiles. In this regard, methodologies and approaches were developed to adapt them to loca contexts that align to national development goals in the context of climate change.
This amendment was carried out in close collaboration with the Government of Jalisco, through SEMADET. The program supported the development of a guide to develop and / or update municipal climate change programs (MCCP), aligned with the Jalisco State Law on Climate Action and the NDC. The guide was piloted, in collaboration with the GIZ project ADAPTUR, in the municipality of Puerto Vallarta, one of the most important municipalities of Jalisco in economic terms, but which is also highly vulnerable to climate change. The work at the local level allowed to generate improvements to the methodologies proposed in the guide, to support the governance processes between Jalisco and its municipalities, and to mainstream the issue at the local level.
VICLIM also focused on the issue of local climate finance. On one side, in coordination with SEMARNAT, cases of climate financing were compiled at the municipal level where the success factors, minimum capacities and good practices that have enabled access to the financing of mitigation and adaptation measures were analyzed, in order to give examples and inspire other municipalities. On the other side, SEMADET was supported in analyzing fiscal and market instruments with the potential to channel more resources to the Jalisco Environmental Fund. Additionally, the preparation of technical material to provide training on climate financing to the Inter-municipal Environment Boards of that State was supported. |
Guide for the Elaboration or Updating of Municipal Climate Change Programs (MCCP) of the State of Jalisco
Series of guidelines, tools and methodologies to guide the development and / or updating of the MCCP. |
Municipal Climate Change Program (MCCP) of Puerto Vallarta The MCCP was developed through participatory workshops with different actors of the municipality and was based on the “Guide for the development of MCCP of the State of Jalisco” and other methodologies developed by SEMARNAT and GIZ. The process was developed in collaboration with the project Ecosystem-based Adaptation to climate change (ADAPTUR) in cooperation with the Tourism sector. |
Portal of Municipal Climate Change Programs on the Energypedia platform The objective of this space is to promote the exchange of experiences and collective learning among municipalities and other actors during the development of the Municipal Climate Change Programs (MCCP). |
Jalisco’s Climate Policy Information Capsules
The series includes three videos about Jalisco’s contribution to the NDC of Mexico, the Climate Change Action State Program and success stories. |
Recommendations on climate finance at local level As part of the contributions of VICLIM in terms of local climate finance, the following were generated: 1) Case studies on financing mitigation measures and adaptation to climate change at the municipal level in Mexico; 2) Technical material for strengthening local capacities on access to climate finance for the State of Jalisco; and 3) Analysis of fiscal and market instruments to strengthen the Jalisco Environmental Fund and reduce its CO2 emissions. |
VICLIM Mexico generated an exchange of experiences with Germany taking as reference the instruments promoted by the National Climate Initiative (NKI), which is a federal fund that promotes local climate action at the municipal level in Germany.
Through an equivalence analysis between the NKI instruments and the Mexican context and through a participatory process, the Energy Efficiency Learning Networks (LN) scheme was selected at the municipal level to generate a knowledge transfer between both countries Under the guidance of the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu), recommendations were given to the National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy (CONUEE). The results are aimed at establishing Energy Efficiency LN and Energy Management Systems to improve the conditions of its implementation and the impact on the reduction of CO2 emissions at the municipal level. |
Strategic guidance document for the implementation of EE LN or EMS at municipal level. Document of strategic orientations for the implementation of LN at municipal level, and systematization of experiences of LN in municipalities of Mexico, Brazil and Germany. This document was produced in collaboration with the Energy Transition Support Project in Mexico (TrEM) implemented by GIZ.
First National Meeting of EE LN or EMS at municipal leve The objectives of the meeting were to promote the concept of municipal LN as mechanisms to achieve an effective energy management and to reduce the emissions of GHG locally, as well as to exchange experiences based on success stories from Mexico and Germany. This document was made in collaboration with the TrEM project.
Video on EE LN or EMS at municipal level The video introduces the concept of LN, describes the implementation phases, the main objective, and which actors are relevant for their development and implementation. The document was made in collaboration with the Energy Transition Support Project in Mexico of the GIZ. |
Report of the workshop “Dialogue on the German National Climate Initiative (NKI): Exchange Opportunities between Mexico and Germany At the workshop, the instruments of the NKI were presented to the state government of Jalisco and the Intermunicipal Environmental Boards (JIMA). Likewise, opportunities for exchanging experiences between Mexico and Germany were identified through the support of GIZ-VICLIM and Difu. |
Study of equivalence between the NKI and programs in Mexico This document aims to identify and select a financing instrument for municipalities of the Mexican government that is viable for the exchange of bilateral experiences with the NKI and with a high potential for scale up. |
The VICLIM program in Mexico took advantage of various opportunities to share its experiences and lessons learned in various spaces of dialogue with other actors of international cooperation working at the local level, and through various media.
The program produced periodical publications for specialized newsletters, seminars on regional online platforms, as well as articles in conjunction with other international organizations presented for discussion at the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Another exchange mechanism was a study trip between Mexico and Costa Rica (where VICLIM is also implemented), in terms of local climate action. |
Artículo “Enabling subnational climate action through multi-level governance”
VICLIM, ICLEI and UN Habitat presented for the COP23 a document about lessons learned and good examples of climate policies that demonstrates the potential of subnational governments to comply with NDCs. Cases include experiences from Colombia, Germany, South Africa, Mexico and Myanmar. |
Webinar on Vertically Integrated Municipal Climate Change Programs
VICLIM Mexico and Costa Rica offered a virtual seminar on the experiences in Mexico and Costa Rica on local planning climate instruments with a vertical integration approach. |
Study Trip Costa Rica-Mexico on local climate action
The VICLIM program in Mexico and Costa Rica promoted a study trip for the exchange of knowledge, sharing experiences and case studies on the implementation of climate policy at the subnational level. |
Climate change mainstreaming in development plans in both the State of Jalisco and the Municipality of Puerto Vallarta. |