In 2019, the National Interpretation process of the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil in Mexico was completed, which aimed to develop guidelines so that the Principles and Criteria of the standard are relevant to the context of the country.
The national interpretation served as a space to discuss priority issues such as: fair working conditions, respect for local communities and their right to land, no logging of forests, and reduction of greenhouse gases.
Pronatura Sur, actively participated in the following areas:including the socio-environmental particularities of oil palm producing states in Mexico; trying to ensure the recognition of the social and environmental effects of large-scale land conversion in monoculture plantations, as well as looking for mechanisms to mitigate those effects.
Finally, local governments, government agencies, industry and consumers are expected to be involved in the implementation of the standard. In addition, it is necessary to implement the law, in parallel with the standard, at the national and regional levels in order to ensure that companies and producers adhere to the bans of deforesting the country’s forests. Southern Mexico must move towards a production with a long-term vision that includes the preservation of its natural capital.