As part of the activities of the Strategic Partnerships for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPIPA) in Mexico, as well as the GIZ project Preparation of an Emissions Trading System in Mexico (SiCEM), a series of executive virtual seminars on International Carbon Markets was held. The events were organized by the European University Institute through the School of Transnational Governance in cooperation with the General Directorate for Climate Change Policies at SEMARNAT, the Delegation of the European Union and GIZ.
This series complemented the set of international dialogues on International Carbon Markets, which the European Union has developed within the activities that support the fulfillment of the Paris Agreement objectives on an international level.
The virtual events sought to generate a space for dialogue and exchange of experiences between Mexican actors involved in the Emissions Trading System (ETS). Main lessons learned from other jurisdictions were shared – mainly those of European ETS, in order to generate a common understanding and identify main concerns and next steps for Mexico, as well as identifying future synergies.
Participants in the session included Dr. Marco Heredia, General Director of Policies for Climate Change at SEMARNAT, Dr. Amparo Martínez, General Director of the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC), Jos Delbeke, Professor of Climate and International Carbon Markets at the European Investment Bank, Marita Brömmelmeier, Country Director of GIZ Mexico, and Angela Churie, Head of the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition at the World Bank, as well as other national and international actors and experts who reiterated the importance of generating spaces for the exchange of knowledge related to the ETS.
The four sessions held on March 3 and 16 and April 13 and 20 drew in more than 70 actors: from companies regulated by the Mexican ETS, to civil society organizations and academia. This event undoubtedly contributes considerably to the efforts on behalf of GIZ Mexico to achieve a more sustainable Mexico.

Check the material of the sessions in the Downloads section.