Over the last decade, Mexico has been an international pioneer in promoting its legal and institutional climate change framework. Its significant progress stand outs in the Latin American region. At the federal level, the country passed the General Law on Climate Change (LGCC) of Mexico and established the National System on Climate Change (SINACC), the National Climate Change Strategy (ENCC) and the Special Program on Climate Change (PECC). At the subnational level, the LGCC requires States to design, implement and evaluate their climate change policies, and Municipalities to promote mitigation and adaptation actions. Despite differences between States and Municipalities regarding their progress towards adopting climate policies and challenges related to implementing actions, there are States that, due to their strong progress and innovative approaches, serve as a national reference.

A good example is the State of Jalisco, which has stood out in recent years thanks to its constant work developing its climate change policy and the institutional arrangements that allow it to address the issue. As of 2019, Jalisco has the Law for Climate Change Action of the State of Jalisco (LACCEJ), published in 2015; its State Program for Climate Change Action (PEACC); and a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System that helps monitor 83 measures and 124 actions of the State Government. It also has an Interinstitutional Commission for Climate Change Action and Intermunicipal Environmental Boards that provide technical support on various topics, including climate change. Additionally, in Jalisco, the LACCEJ requires that municipalities develop Municipal Climate Change Programs (PMCCs) before August 2019.

In this context, through the Vertically Integrated Climate Policies (VICLIM) global project, the Ministry of the Environment and Territorial Development (SEMADET) of the State of Jalisco collaborated with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH to develop three videos with the objective of publicizing the role of the State and its contribution to Mexico’s international climate change commitments. The videos introduce the PEACC and include success stories about the development of coordination mechanisms, policy instruments and the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions.