A variety of organizations gathered together to build a vision of the country in this subject

With the objective of generating spaces of analysis, reflection and discussion among the regional initiatives that work in for friendly livestock in Mexico, it took place the third forum-workshop Regional Perspectives on Sustainable Livestock for a National Vision.

This event was from April 11th to the 13th at the Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) form the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), in Cuatitlán, Mexican State, the participants worked in building a vision of the country regarding sustainable livestock.

At the forum, Héctor Messa coordinator of the local Project BioPaSOS (Biodiversity and Agro-silvo-pastoral sustainable landscapes) in Jalisco, participated in a  Panel of Experiences from the Occident of Mexico showing the general characteristics of this project implemented by CATIE (Tropical Agricultural  Research and Higher Education Center) and the actions made in such territory.



The participants worked on building a vision of  Mexico as a referent country for sustainable livestock

Among the shared experiences, there was the presentation of the established alliance with institutions that are part of the Initiative of Reduction Emissions (IRE) and other local partners in Jalisco. Besides, the methodological strategy of the field schools (ECA, its Spanish acronym), was presented and with which it is pretended to strengthen capacities of the technicians and livestock owners of institutions involved in the project.

Messa emphasized that the participation in the forum allowed them to get to know the job that has been developed by the organizations in various regions of Mexico regarding livestock issues, which is a key to advance establishing synergies and joint jobs.

Besides, with support from Environment Inter-municipal Board of the South Cost (JICOSUR) and the Environment Inter-municipal Board for the integral management of the lower  basin of Ayuquila River (JIRA), promoted the participation of two livestock producers from the  south coast region and from the lower basin of Ayuquila River:  Nicanor Martínez curator of  La Meza, MunicipaltyLa Huerta and Arturo Uribe, President of the Livestock local Association of the Tonaya Municipalty, who presented their experiences and share with other experts about their actions environmentally friendly livestock.

This forum was organized by the National Commission on Natural Protected Areas (CONANP, Its Spanish acronym), the Institute of Agricultural and Rural Sciences (ICAR, its Spanish acronym) and the FES from the UNAM in partnership with the Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature (FMCN, its Spanish acronym) and the National Institute of Ecology (INECOL). These organizations had the support of the German Cooperation for the Development (GIZ), GmbH, the German consultant GFA Consulting Group and the international Union for Conservation of Nature (UICN).


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This article is from the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE). The content of this article is the sole responsibility of the author.