Mobilizing finance to accelerate climate action

The “First Day of Climate Financing in Mexico”has two main objectives:

· Identify challenges and opportunities that can then be translated into a mobilization route that allows the country to implement actions to comply
with the commitments that have been established at national and international level.

· Facilitate a space for multi-stakeholder dialogue so that people interested in mitigating and adapting to climate change can share their
experiences on allocation, access, management and mobilization of financing to accelerate climate action in the country.


· At the international level, various multi-stakeholder dialogues have been held to accelerate climate action, such as the One Planet Summit convened by French President Emmanuel Macron, which seeks to promote collaboration to achieve the commitments of the Paris Agreement, which Mexico has ratified.
· Mexico is in the process of government transition, which represents an area of ​​opportunity to strengthen climate action, so this event proposes generating a dialogue between representatives of the current and future government, with other stakeholders interested in the subject.
· There are already various initiatives and actions underway around these issues and generating different spaces for dialogue and exchange is necessary to achieve the country’s goals. In May and June several multi-stakeholder dialogues were held in order to identify challenges and recommendations that various actors propose on mobilizing financing to address climate change, which are the basis for the integration of the agenda of this event.


· Strengthen public policies for the effective transition towards a low-carbon climate-resilient economy
· Strengthen a sustainable vision of the financial sector
· Scale the participation of the private sector in climate actions
· Improve transparency to ensure the effectiveness of climate financing.
· Mobilization of climate financing to achieve: energy transition, sustainable mobility, creation of sustainable cities, conservation of nature and adaptation to climate change.
