The exchange of experiences is a key factor for the development of the municipalities’ climate policy. Considering the above, with the beginning of the elaboration of the Municipal Climate Change Program (MCCP) of Puerto Vallarta, a portal that seeks to promote these actions, as well as promoting work and knowledge networks among actors and municipalities in the development of their programs was created.

As part of Jalisco’s efforts to combat climate change, the municipality of Puerto Vallarta has begun its activities for the development of its Municipal Climate Change program, based on the Guide for the development or updating of the MCCP. During this process the importance of opening a public space was recognized as a fundamental step for the follow-up of its activities and the exchange of information. For this, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German Cooperation for Sustainable Development) supported the creation of a MCCP Portal in Mexico, which was presented in a webinar on April 9th of this year. In the webinar, the experience of Jalisco in implementing the guide, the progress and lessons learned from Puerto Vallarta in the preparation of its program and a brief user guide to interact with the portal was presented.

In that sense, since last February 2019, the municipality of Puerto Vallarta has been sharing stage by stage its activities and progress through this portal. Additionally, on the blog you can find the achievements and challenges of the municipality for the development of its MCCP, videos, studies and documents of common interest related to climate change. In this way, other municipalities can follow the process of developing their program and in turn can share their own experiences.

The MCCP Portal of Mexico is available on Energypedia, a platform available to the public where knowledge on renewable energy, access to energy and energy efficiency is exchanged. On the site, you can find an interaction guide with the portal step by step, framework questions for writing articles, the complete Guide, among other tools for the development of the MCCP.



For more information about this Portal, access the following links:

  • Presentation webinar of the MCCP Portal in Mexico.
  • MCCP Portal in Mexico.