The FELICITY (Financing Energy for Low-Carbon Investment – Cities Advisory Facility) initiative will provide technical assistance to six pilot projects in Brazil, China and Mexico, aiming at improving capacities for project preparation, strengthening global networks, and increasing access to climate finance at the subnational level. Two out of the six selected projects are in Mexico.
During the first semester of 2018, the identification of urban infrastructure projects with low carbon emissions was conducted in cities in Brazil, China and Mexico. 82 applications were received, adding up to a global cumulative investment volume of 4.2 billion euros, out of which 463.4 million euros are estimated to be climate-investment related.
The sectoral breakdown of applications for the three countries is as follows: solid waste treatment (25%), renewable energies (23%), mobility (16%), energy efficiency (15%) and district energy (10%).

In Mexico, 43 applications were evaluated according to their level of progress, potential of replicability and of mitigation of greenhouse gases emissions.

In the month of July, the FELICITY Guidance Group selected six projects that will receive technical assistance to consolidate their development and climate finance in cities of Brazil, China and Mexico.

The two selected projects in Mexico are:
• Management and Energetic Use of Urban Waste in Naucalpan, State of Mexico.
• Energetic Transition for Public Buildings in Mexico City.

The technical assistance to be provided by FELICITY consists of the following activities:
• Provision of tools and strategies for the integration of key stakeholders in the development and implementation of the project.
• Review of the available documentation (environmental, financial and technical studies) that integrate the preparation of the project, and, where required, their enhancement to comply with the standards established by climate financing, as well as risk mitigation strategies that the project entails.
• Collection of information and lessons learned from the project for replicability in local, regional and global cooperation networks.
The other participant projects will be supported with tools that will strengthen project preparation capacities in order to improve their viability and profitability to access climate finance at national and international levels, helping them to comply with the Nationally Determined Contributions and the Sustainable Development Goals at a subnational level.
FELICITY is a global program funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) from the German Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in collaboration with the European Investment Bank (EIB). For more information on FELICITY and updates, please visit the website: