The NAMA SME project began the launch of the initiative that supports the strengthening of the energy efficiency market in SMEs in Yucatan through technical and financial solutions.
The NAMA SME project is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, together with the Yucatan Institute for Entrepreneurs (IYEM) and the Energy Sub-Secretariat of the Ministry of Economic Development and Labour (SEFOET) of the Government of the State of Yucatan. On May 11, it launched an initiative to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the state of Yucatan through energy efficiency (EE). Through an open call, companies in the state were invited to register to receive an energy diagnosis (DE) at no cost and be able to implement EE measures.

With the aim of providing technical and financial support to incorporate EE measures in companies, capacity building sessions were held for SMEs on 19 and 26 May and 2 June 2022. More than 60 people participated and learned what EE is, the importance of DE in their companies and how to manage a loan and pay it back through energy savings. In addition, companies learned about the MicroYuc Verde financing initiative promoted by IYEM, as well as the requirements to participate in the call for proposals.

The success of these events was reflected in the 36 SMEs that registered for the initiative, with participation from the industrial, service and trade sectors. Those selected were those with the greatest potential to implement EE projects and that were priority sectors for the economy of the state of Yucatan.
Of the SMEs that registered, 16 were selected and will be able to identify and implement improvements in their energy consumption, generating economic savings, increasing their competitiveness, and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Importantly, seven are led by women, contributing to GIZ Mexico’s commitment to promote access to finance for women entrepreneurs in the state.

In September, each SME will begin to implement the projects they selected based on their needs, as well as their technical and economic viability. These projects will be regularly monitored to document the energy saving measures and the economic, environmental and social benefits to each company.