BioPaSOS Project of CATIE participated in this meeting from May 7th to the 9th, 2018 in Mexico City

Producers, government representatives of international cooperation and some other organizations of the industry, gathered together at a National Meeting of Knowledge and Wisdom Exchange of Rural Producers that integrate Biodiversity in their Productive Activities in Mexico, a space in which they shared experiences and identified synergies, strengths and opportunities of staggering.

The event took place in Mexico City during May 7th, 8th, and 9th and it was organized by the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ) in the context of the project Biodiversity Integration in Mexican Agriculture (IKI IBA, its Spanish acronym), executed by this agency joint with the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA, its Spanish acronym).

BioPaSOS Project coordinator in Jalisco, Héctor Fabio Messa mentioned that the event brought together inter-sectoral experts of different regions of Mexico, included producers, who presented good management practices applied in corn crops, agroforestry and fruity systems, as well as silvo-pastoril and apiculture systems.

Producers, representatives of government, international cooperation and other organizations of the sector, met at the National Meeting of Knowledge Exchange of Rural Producers in Mexico

Messa emphasized that during the meeting, Jalisco’s presentation evidenced the achievements to promote sustainable livestock in the region, highlighting the governance model of the intermunicipal systems and the initiative actions of emissions reduction promoted by the state government through developed support of the silvopastoril systems.

The representative organizations of such state were SAGARPA, The Rural Development Secretariat (SEDER, its Spanish acronym), The Intermunicipal environment board for the integral management of the lower watershed of Ayuquila River (JIRA, its Spanish acronym), the Intermunicipal  Environmental Board of the South Coasts, Natural Development Sustainable Spaces A.C (ENDESU, its Spanish acronym) and the livestock producer Raúl Santana, who develops and promotes the silvopastoril systems in San Buenaventura, at El Limon municipality in partnership with BioPaSOS project.

At the end of the event, the participants agreed that the developed actions for biodiversity conservation and eco-systematic services in the agricultural production systems constitute an opportunity for small and medium- sized producers, who represent about the 80% of the agro production sector.

Besides, they agreed to have meetings at a regional level to spread generated knowledge, systemize project results to give key information to policy makers, establish  methodologies  for biodiversity  monitoring in production systems to evaluate effectiveness of applied practices and identified strategic partners and synergy opportunities to add efforts to contribute with the development productive systems friendly with the environment.

At the event, strategic allies and opportunities for synergies were identified in order to join efforts to contribute to the development of environmentally friendly production systems

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This article is from the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE). The content of this article is the sole responsibility of the author.