The BioPaSOS Project joins to local organizations to promote sustainable agro-silvo-pastoral systems and contribute to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services

In Mexico, the Initiative of Reducing Emissions (IRE) promotes positive incentives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GEI) caused by deforestation and degradation of forest ecosystems, which allows to protect forest and conserve biodiversity.  This initiative is developed as a part of the Early Actions REDD+ in Campeche, Chiapas, Quintana Ro Jalisco and Yucatán.

Specifically in Jalisco State, The Project BioPaSOS of CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) align its actions to the ones that IRE develops and other local organizations to promote climate-smart livestock at Ayuquila river basin and the Southern Coast region

In the state of Jalisco, the project BioPaSOS promotes sustainable agro-silvo-pastoral systems

These organizations work together in strengthening capacities of technicians and cattlemen to conserve biodiversity, generate ecosystem services and create an institutional policy framework to promote agro-silvo-pastoral practices that improve productivity, family income and climate reduction vulnerability in livestock landscapes.

Also there have been main actors identified for the creation of a joint research agenda and there have been advances for the master’s study that analyze the impact that the changing ground has and forest fires in hydric sources and biodiversity.

These actions are added to the ones developed by the silvo-pastoral and agroforestry group, that is formed by institutions supported by IRE in Jalisco, among them:  The Secretariat of Agricultural, Livestock, Rural Development, Fishing and Food  (SAGARPA), The National Forestall Commission (CONAFOR, its Spanish acronym), The Secretariat of Rural Development (SEDER, its Spanish acronym), The Secretariat of Environment and  Territorial Development (SEMADET, its Spanish acronym), the Central University of the South Cost (CUCSUR, its Spanish acronym) from the University of Guadalajara, the inter-municipal board of environment for the integral management of the low basin of Ayuquila River (JIRA), The National Forest, Agricultural and Livestock  Research Institute (INIFAP, its Spanish acronym) and the World Bank, who work  together with the alliance of  the Biosphere Reserve Direction Sierra de Manantlán –National  Natural Protected Areas (DRBSM-CONANP) and the governments of the involved municipalities.

Héctor Messa emphasized that all these organizations are strategic partners of the Project BioPaSOS in Jalisco, who develop joint actions for the achievement of common goals.

Soon, BioPaSOS will have a training on methods and participative tools to facilitate learning activities in sustainable livestock and start the ECA program for livestock producers. Besides, there will be advances in the definition of a research agenda and the establishment of a working group to support these activities.


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This article is from the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE). The content of this article is the sole responsibility of the author.